We Thank everyone who completed evaluation forms for NEA at the ATG Festival concerts. We would like to further evaluate the entire Festival. This should take no longer than 5 minutes. Your answers will only be available to the Board.
Did you attend Cory Pesaturo's Workshop on "Authenticity of Styles"?
Did you attend Gordon Kohl's workshop on "Italian Love Ballads"?
Did you attend Michael Bridge's workshop on "Digital Accordion Sounds"?
Did you attend Nikolay Bine's workshop on "Accordion Basics and Improvisation"?
Did you attend the Movie, "A World of Accordions Museum"?
Did you attend Grayson Masefield's workshop on "Practice Problem Solving"?
Did you attend Ted Piechocinski's workshop on "Copyright Issues"?
Did you attend the TeachTalk
workshop on "Building Your Business of Teaching"?
Did you attend Gorka Hermosa's Workshop?